Looking for a Massage Association
to join?

Make MAA your Association
Established in the early 1980's as a Non-Profit Organisation,
MAA continues to provide a high level of professional
service and support for it's Members.
MAA is the only Association that gives members CPD/E
over the value of their membership fees
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Membership Benefits: Lower Fees Credibility Education


Join the MAA and enjoy the benefits:

  • LOWEST COST LIABILITY INSURANCE - $20m Members Only master policy cover.
  • MAA Members are able to have their business listed on the MAA website.
  • LOWER FEES by focussing on practitioner essentials.
  • FIND A PRACTITIONER service for your potential clients.
  • CREDIBILITY of belonging to one of the longest established associations.


Massage Association of Australia Your Association, Your Advantage

Become a Member Today!
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Our Vision

In the early 1980’s the Massage Profession in Victoria was a rather small and intimate group of practitioners. Inevitably several associations were formed each one concerned with promoting and maintaining their particular method. Almost inevitably again the urge to "grow" was being felt and certain mergers took place. It was one of those mergers which triggered off the founding of the MAA Ltd.

The objective was to create a multi modality association catering for the many who were not accepted by or did not wish to join the various massage associations at that time.

Our Vision & Mission is to become the leading representative body supporting all Massage Therapists from the beginning of their careers.

The aims of the MAA are:

To be of Service to our members, practitioners, the massage profession and the associated schools. To communicate and build bridges between the massage and other health professions. Educating the general public regarding the numerous benefits from massage. Maintaining a realistic view of Massage Therapies our Profession can flourish by keeping Massage Therapy in an area of mutual respect and care.